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Monday, October 15, 2012

Georgia State Conference NAACP Opposes The Proposed Constitutional Amendment #1 on Charter Schools

Act. No. 762
Ga.L. 2012, p. 1364

"Shall the Constitution of Georgia be amended to allow state or local approval of public charter schools upon the request of local communities?"

Whereas, The Georgia State Conference NAACP supports the importance of charter schools and its positive impact on the development of the physical growth and development of our children in the public schools of Georgia; and that the State Conference NAACP maintains its full support of public schools in the state of Georgia; and

Whereas, the Georgia State Conference NAACP opposes the provision in HB 1162 authorizing the use of state funds for the support and maintenance of "special schools," defined in the current Georgia Law as charter schools without the approval of local school boards; and

WHEREAS, The Georgia State Conference NAACP believes that using taxpayer revenue to fund charter schools will have a negative impact on the current "QBE", Quality Based Education Act funding that's already inadequate among Georgia public schools; and

WHEREAS, the State School Superintendent, John Barge, a Republican, moved away from his party to oppose this piece of dangerous legislation, and said that state controlled charter schools will cost taxpayers an additional $430 million dollars in state funds, and that Georgia has already cut nearly $4 billion dollars from education over the last years; and

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Georgia Supreme Court struck down the state's attempt to create charter schools without local input, and that our justices knew local parents and taxpayers, not bureaucrats in Atlanta, should not be making these decisions for our children, thus, making it clear that they don't favor having dual school systems in Georgia; and

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the Georgia State Conference NAACP during its 70th Annual State Convention held in Marietta, Georgia, request that all delegates urge voters in their communities across Georgia to "VOTE NO" on the constitutional amendment on the ballot #1 during the General Election on November 6, 2012; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all units across the Georgia NAACP association acknowledge the importance of taking a stand against this unconstitutional partisan piece of legislation, that will eventually cause more financial woes for public schools and our children in the state; and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Georgia State Conference NAACP and it's units, educate their given communities on the negative impact this amendment will have on the public schools of Georgia, and that this amendment is not about fixing the schools and school systems, but, is designed to decide who gets to spend our hard earned tax dollars for "special schools", which are not under the control of local school boards; and that a copy of this resolution is written in the minutes of the 70th Annual NAACP State Convention in Marietta, Georgia on October 13, 2012, and that a copy be maintained on the records for each unit and delegates attending the event.

Tonza S. Thomas
State Secretary

Edward O. DuBose
State President

October 13, 2012

Adopted during the Final Plenary Session by the delegates at the Georgia State Conference NAACP Annual State Convention October 11-13, 2012 in Marietta, Georgia.
