Employment Opportunities

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

CrossRoadsNews and Wal-Mart

Hello members,

Here is an update on the CrossRoads Newspaper and Wal-Mart issue. Because of your phone calls and e-mails, The CrossRoads Newspaper has been allowed back into all the Wal-Mart’s EXCEPT the one on Gresham Road. Wal-Mart’s upper management told Jennifer Parker there was no manager at the Gresham Road store -- but common sense tells us someone has to be in charge of running things.

We need this free newspaper to be available to all citizens of DeKalb County. We must let the big money people know that we will not stand for retaliatory tactics of any kind!

So get busy. Go to the store and demand CrossRoadsNews. Call and e-mail the corporate managers:

Ms. Karen Brewer-Edwards, Regional General Manager, karen.brewer@wal-mart.com

Mr. Glen Wilkins, Senior Manager of Public Affairs and Government Relations,

FYI, Glen Wilkins is a member of the DeKalb Chamber of Commerce.